SpaceX & LinkedIn Feature

SpaceX & LinkedIn Feature

Space, LinkedIn and Inspiration.

I was so excited when I got selected to work for NASA at the rocket launching station in Cape Canaveral. This happened in 2006 through Oracle Consulting Services. I cannot say more words or better things about it: I simply love that place. I used to take all my relatives, friends and cousins whenever they wanted to go to visit the NASA Kennedy Space Center. I would never miss an opportunity to go! Even though I have gone several times and the center is about 50 miles away, I never get tired. I can see 100 times again and again –no problem!

This is a place for true nature and exploration. You rarely get to see all those … and SPACE is truly interesting. We never know what’s really out there, all the materials, rocks … How does it all really look? The Space Center is truly a great place for great science and facts.

Completely unrelated to my love for space and science, I was recently contacted by Susan “Susy” Jackson from LinkedIn to participate in a SpaceX project. I’m not sure why she choose me to reach out to. I am still shocked! There are 100s and 1,000s of people in LinkedIn, but she chose to email me and give me a chance to record a video responding to: “Elon Musk and SpaceX plans to fly humans around the moon. Would you go?” Not only did I get to record for this project, but she also chose my video to feature on LinkedIn Editors’ Picks Slide Share post. Wow!

I still think about where I came from – an Asian Indian sub-continent – and how I got to where I am today … all is inspirational – I talk about it a lot for motivational speaking and what not.

I hope one day I can participate and be a part of SpaceX through Elon Musk’s program. I really admire him. He sold his entire 401k to build an empire. I wish him great and he is lucky to run such a great organization.

I am extremely happy to be part of this program and honored to be featured in LinkedIn.

#historyinmaking #shirdisaidevotee #LordVishnudevotee #1standup #drjustkidding


2 thoughts on “SpaceX & LinkedIn Feature

  • August 20, 2017 at 12:43 am

    I have always wanted to visit space. This is such a great opportunity. I can’t think of anyone else who would be a better candidate. I would love to be able to say that I know Sri and he has been into outer space. Loved the video and the humor as well. Best of luck with everything!

    • August 22, 2017 at 3:04 am

      Thank you Bruce! Maybe we could go together one day!


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